
10 Monday Morning Readings: The Big Picture


My morning back to work train The WFH says:

• Would you rather do better during bull markets or bear markets? It’s hard to believe how much brainpower, time, effort, and money goes into beating the market by hedge funds, mutual funds, separately managed accounts, and stock pickers…and the vast majority of them fail. on its stated goal. (A wealth of common sense)

The business of… death: Why Most American Funeral Homes Are Family Owned and Other Fascinating (Extreme Embalming?!) Insights into Funeral Economics. (business week)

Long bonds are no longer for fools: The outlook has improved for 30-year Treasuries. (Morning Star) See also People go back to investing in bonds, once they discover them: After years of low yields, bonds are paying real money again. But as investors are discovering, they’re not exactly set-and-forget assets. (Wall Street Journal)

12 Important Lessons I Learned From “Just Keep Shopping” The true purpose of investing: Live the life you want to live. Money dominates our thoughts, but time is actually your most important asset. If you have already won the game, withdraw your money from the table. (mr-stingy)

Do you want to beat the stock market? Avoid the cost of ‘being human’ Professional fund managers work under disadvantages that individual investors do not face. Make sure you manage your portfolio differently than they do. (Wall Street Journal)

17 Pop Culture Moments That Defined The Covid Era: If you were putting together a time capsule to let people 100 years from now know what it felt like to live through this pandemic, sure, you could include hand sanitizer and a surgical mask. But it should also include “The White Lotus” theme song and a group chat about Taylor Swift and an episode of “Love Is Blind” and unexpected online drawing lessons from a famous children’s book author. As that author, Mo Willems, says below about the pandemic: “Science will get us out of this, but art will get us through it.” (New York Times)

The most absurd result of the science of nutrition: Could ice cream be good for you? Studies show a mysterious health benefit of ice cream. Scientists don’t want to talk about it. (the atlantic)

The decline in life expectancy in the United States says a lot about our problems: Years of widening economic inequality, compounded by the pandemic and political storm and stress, have given Americans the impression that the country is on the wrong track. Now there is empirical data that shows how far the country has gone off the rails: life expectancy has been falling. (Los Angeles Times)

The staggering radicalism of Florida’s new abortion ban: Ron DeSantis, gearing up for a presidential run, signed the 6-week ban Thursday night. (vox)

The self-proclaimed genius of Lil Dicky: Is Dave Burd the greatest rapper alive? Unlikely. The comedic voice of his generation? Maybe. The star of one of the funniest and most subversive hits on television? No doubt. A deep dive into the neurotically immodest mind behind FX’s ‘Dave’. (hollywood reporter)

Be sure to check out our Master of Business next week with joe barattaglobal director of private equity at the giant PE black stone. In the 2000s, he helped establish the firm’s private equity business in Europe. He sits on Blacktone’s Board of Directors and its Management Committee and is a member of many of the company’s investment committees.

Your income taxes are due. Here’s who pays more.

Fountain: Wall Street Journal

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